
Diablo 2 Necromancer Skill Tree

Necromancer Skill Tree

There are iii Skills Tree found

Curses Skill Tree

Amplify Damage image
Dim Vision image
Weaken image
Iron Maiden image
Terror image
Confuse image
Life Tap image
Attract image
Decrepify image
Lower Resist image

Skill Name Required Level Effect First Level Stat
Dilate Impairment
  • Dilate Harm Required Level: 1
  • Amplify Damage Prerequisites: None
  • Curses a group of enemies, increasing the not-magic impairment they receive.

    Cast Delay: None

    Lvl 1
    Radius 2 yards
    Duration 8 sec.
    Dim Vision
  • Dim Vision Required Level: vi
  • Dim Vision Prerequisites: None
  • Curses a group of monsters. Reducing their vision radius.

    Cast Filibuster: None

    Actor vs Player: This curse will non work on other players.

    Lvl 1
    Radius 2.6 yards
    Duration vii sec.
  • Weaken Required Level: 6
  • Weaken Prerequisites: Dilate Damage
  • Curses a grouping of enemies. Reducing the corporeality of damage they inflict.

    Cast Filibuster: None

    Lvl ane
    Radius six yards
    Duration 14 sec.
    Iron Maiden
  • Atomic number 26 Maiden Required Level: 12
  • Iron Maiden Prerequisites: Amplify Impairment
  • Curses a group of enemies, causing them to damage themselves when damaging others.

    Cast Delay: None

    This only works on melee monsters.

    Lvl 1
    Damage Returned 200%
    Duration 12 sec.
  • Terror Required Level: 12
  • Terror Prerequisites: Dilate Harm , Weaken
  • Curses a grouping of monsters, causing them to flee in terror.

    Bandage Delay: None

    Lvl ane
    Elapsing viii sec.
  • Confuse Required Level: 18
  • Confuse Prerequisites: Dim Vision
  • Curses a monster to forcefulness it to assault random targets.

    Cast Delay: None

    Lvl one
    Radius iv yards
    Elapsing x sec.
    Life Tap
  • Life Tap Required Level: 18
  • Life Tap Prerequisites: Amplify Damage , Iron Maiden
  • Curses a group of monsters so that damaging them gives the attacker life.

    Cast Delay: None

    Lvl 1
    Radius 2.6 yards
    Duration 16 sec.
  • Attract Required Level: 24
  • Attract Prerequisites: Dim Vision , Confuse
  • Curses a monster to become the target of all nearby monsters this curse may not exist overridden by another curse.

    Cast Delay: None

    Lvl 1
    Duration 12 sec.
  • Decrepify Required Level: 24
  • Decrepify Prerequisites: Amplify Damage , Weaken , Terror
  • Curses a group of enemies to make them slow, weak and take amplified damage.

    Cast Delay: None

    Lvl 1
    Duration 4 sec.
    Lower Resist
  • Lower Resist Required Level: 30
  • Lower Resist Prerequisites: Weaken , Amplify Damage , Terror , Iron Maiden , Life Tap , Decrepify
  • Curses an enemy to take more impairment from all magical attack lowers resistances of monsters lowers maximum resistances of hostile players.

    Cast Delay: None

    Lower Resist is highly effective in a multiplayer setting where yous are helping your allies' weapons and spells exercise more than harm. This besides helps the summonable creatures that use elemental attacks, such as the Skeleton Mages or the Fire Golem, not to mention whatever Revived monster you may control.

    Level 1
    Radius four.6 yards
    Duration twenty sec.
    Resist All -% 31
    Poison and Bone Spells Skill Tree

    Teeth image
    Bone Armor image
    Poison Dagger image
    Corpse Explosion image
    Bone Wall image
    Poison Explosion image
    Bone Spear image
    Bone Prison image
    Poison Nova image
    Bone Spirit image

    Skill Proper noun Required Level Effect First Level Stat
  • Teeth Required Level: one
  • Teeth Prerequisites: None
  • Fires a barrage of summoned spinous teeth.

    Cast Delay: None

    Lvl 1
    Mana Cost 3
    Damage 2-4
    Number of Teeth ii
    Bone Armor
  • Bone Armor Required Level: 1
  • Bone Armor Prerequisites: None
  • Creates an orbiting shield of os that absorbs melee damage.

    Bandage Filibuster: None

    Os Armor simply protects the Necromancer from Physical Damage .

    Lvl 1
    Mana Price eleven
    Impairment Shield 20
    Toxicant Dagger
  • Poison Dagger Required Level: 6
  • Poison Dagger Prerequisites: None
  • Adds toxicant to your dagger attacks.

    Cast Delay: None

    Poison Dagger can be extremely mortiferous should you focus on it. The Poison Dagger Spell is designed to offering Necromancers the option to effectively use another weapon blazon should he choose that path to follow. At that place are some rare, high-level, Necromancer oriented daggers in the game that will exist desired by any poisonous player.

    Lvl 1
    Mana Toll 3
    Poison Damage 7-15
    Over Ten sec. 2
    Bonus Attack 30
    Corpse Explosion
  • Corpse Explosion Required Level: half dozen
  • Corpse Explosion Prerequisites: Teeth
  • Cast on the corpse of a slain monster, it explodes, dissentious nerby enemies.

    Bandage Delay: None

    If you desire to make a large mess, Corpse Explosion is the skill for you lot. Once dubbed "The Best Skill of All Fourth dimension" past Blizzard Employees, Corpse Explosion is a favorite among many. Corpse Explosion is neat for clearing out crowds of monsters very quickly. All yous need to destroy large groups monsters is a torso, and to lead that grouping of monster virtually that body. Explode the corpse to create a new corpse, go on to use Corpse Explosion until there is nothing left. Minions and Os Spells tin can aid you create an initial corpse to use, then you but have to lead the monsters nigh the bodies when y'all cause them to explode. As y'all put more points into Corpse Explosion you tin can hitting monsters further away from the corpse.

    Lvl ane
    Mana Price xv
    Radius ii.6 yards
    Os Wall
  • Bone Wall Required Level: 12
  • Os Wall Prerequisites: Bone Armor
  • Creates an impassable bulwark of bone and debris.

    Bandage Delay: None

    Nightmare/Hell: The stats shown below are only for Normal difficulty. The Bone Wall hit points increase for Nightmare, and again for Hell Difficulty.

    Lvl i
    Normal Hit Points 20
    Toxicant Explosion
  • Poison Explosion Required Level: 18
  • Toxicant Explosion Prerequisites: Teeth , Corpse Explosion , Poison Dagger
  • Bandage on the corpse of a slain monster, toxic gas is released that poisons nearby monsters.

    Cast Filibuster: None

    Lvl 1
    Poison Harm 28-86
    Over 10 sec. 2
    Os Spear
  • Os Spear Required Level: 18
  • Os Spear Prerequisites: Teeth , Corpse Explosion
  • Summons a deadly spike of os to impale your enemies.

    Bandage Filibuster: None

    Lvl 1
    Mana Price 7
    Impairment 17-25
    Bone Prison
  • Os Prison Required Level: 24
  • Bone Prison Prerequisites: Teeth , Bone Armor , Corpse Explosion , Bone Wall , Bone Spear
  • Creates a barrier of fossilized bone effectually your target.

    Cast Filibuster: None

    Player vs Player: You can employ Bone Prison on other players.

    Lvl ane
    Mana Cost 27
    Normal Hit Points 22
    Poisonous substance Nova
  • Poison Nova Required Level: 30
  • Poison Nova Prerequisites: Poison Dagger , Teeth , Corpse Explosion , Poison Explosion
  • Emits an expanding band of full-bodied poison.

    Cast Filibuster: None

    Poison Nova does not overwrite itself, and its duration is always ii seconds. Therefore you go most no benefit from casting Poison Nova more oftentimes than once every 2 seconds (because each subsequent casting doesn't increment the elapsing on monsters that have already been affected). Fifty-fifty so, it is still a very cool skill.

    Lvl ane
    Poison Impairment 52-93
    Bone Spirit
  • Bone Spirit Required Level: 30
  • Os Spirit Prerequisites: Teeth , Corpse Explosion , Bone Spear
  • Releases a spirit of the restless undead that tracks its target or finds 1 of its own.

    Cast Delay: None

    Thespian vs Player: You can cast Bone Spirit at someone trapped in a Bone Prison and it won't damage the Bone Prison.

    Lvl 1
    Mana Cost 12
    Harm 22-33
    Summoning Spells Skill Tree

    Raise Skeleton image
    Skeleton Mastery image
    Clay Golem image
    Golem Mastery image
    Raise Skeletal Mage image
    Blood Golem image
    Summon Resist image
    Iron Golem image
    Fire Golem image
    Revive image

    Skill Proper name Required Level Effect First Level Stat
    Raise Skeleton
  • Raise Skeleton Required Level: 1
  • Enhance Skeleton Prerequisites: None
  • Bandage on the corpse of a slain monster. This raises a skeleton warrior that fights for you lot.

    Cast Delay: None

    Skeletons tin can piece of work great throughout Normal Difficulty peculiarly with points into Skeleton Mastery (or a point and +Skill Items). Once you lot hitting Nightmare and Hell difficulty, by and large Skeletons will die very chop-chop. You may wish to, once you lot hit Level xxx, upgrade to Revived Monsters and switch to Revived Monsters and Skeletal Mages. However, if you max Raise Skeleton, Skeleton Mastery, utilize an Aura from an Human action II Mercenary, and take good use of Curses, you can still go on to utilise Skeletons in Hell difficulty.

    Lvl 1
    Number of Skeletons one
    Mana Toll 6
    Damage i-2
    Attack Bonus 20
    Defense 20
    Life 21
    Skeleton Mastery
  • Skeleton Mastery Required Level: 1
  • Skeleton Mastery Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton
  • Passive Effect: Increases Life and Damage of Raised Skeletons and revived creatures.

    Cast Delay: None

    Investing points into Skeleton Mastery will increase Skeleton Hit Points and Harm. Points in Skeleton Mastery volition likewise pay off afterwards on if you utilize Revive.

    Lvl 1
    Skeleton Life +8
    Skeleton Damage +2
    Bonus Monster Life v%
    Bonus Monster Damage 10%
    Clay Golem
  • Clay Golem Required Level: 6
  • Clay Golem Prerequisites: None
  • Creates a Golem from the earth to fight by your side.

    Cast Delay: None

    The Wearisome %, coupled with the assail bonus, is the chief reason to use the Clay Golem at higher levels of difficulty.

    Lvl 1
    Mana Cost 15
    Damage 2-5
    Hit Points 100
    Set on Bonus fourscore
    Slows Enemies 11%
    Golem Mastery
  • Golem Mastery Required Level: 12
  • Golem Mastery Prerequisites: Dirt Golem
  • Passive Effect: Enhances Speed and Life of all your Golems.

    Cast Delay: None

    Golem Mastery adds more Hitting Points to the Golem's Original Base Life, not the Life shown with more than than one indicate into a Golem skill. Dirt Golem: 100 HP, Blood Golem: 201 HP, Iron Golem: 306, Burn Golem: 328

    Lvl 1
    Bonus Life twenty%
    Bonus Velocity half dozen%
    Assail Rating +25
    Raise Skeletal Mage
  • Raise Skeletal Mage Required Level: 12
  • Raise Skeletal Mage Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton
  • Bandage on the corpse of a slain monster. This raises a skeleton mage that fights for you lot.

    Cast Delay: None

    Y'all cannot set what type of elemental attack a Skeletal Mage will accept. You tin can go along raising a new Skeletal Mage until you go the type of Mage you want. Skeletal Mages have a high resistance to Magical Attacks, peculiarly when they have the same elemental assail as the monster or thespian attacking them.

    Lvl ane
    Number of Skeletal Mages one
    Mana Cost 8
    Defense force +10
    Blood Golem
  • Blood Golem Required Level: xviii
  • Claret Golem Prerequisites: Clay Golem
  • Creates a Golem that shares with you the Life it steals and damage it receives.

    Cast Delay: None

    The Blood Golem's life bleed is at present based completely on its own set on rather than the total corporeality of your enemy's hit points. Furthermore, if it is afflicted by a damage return ability like Thorns or Iron Maiden, the life drained is based off of its assail rather than how much damage the enemy attacker did to it.

    Level one
    Mana Toll 25
    Damage half dozen-sixteen
    Life Leech 86%
    Summon Resist
  • Summon Resist Required Level: 24
  • Summon Resist Prerequisites: Clay Golem , Golem Mastery
  • Passive Effect: Increases the resistances of all summoned creatures.

    Cast Delay: None

    Summon Resist helps minions survive against spells, and this becomes vital in the later acts when Zakarum Priests are calling down Blizzard and Lightning on their heads. These resistances are helpful for keeping pets that were difficult or expensive to get, such every bit a strong monster yous Revived or a powerful Iron Golem for which you sacrificed a good item.

    Lvl one
    Resist All 28%
    Iron Golem
  • Fe Golem Required Level: 24
  • Atomic number 26 Golem Prerequisites: Clay Golem , Blood Golem
  • Transforms a metallic item into a Golem that gains the properties of the item.

    Cast Delay: None

    The Atomic number 26 Golem's forcefulness lies in his Thorn Damage. This Golem is very powerful against Melee attackers.

    Lvl ane
    Damage Returned 150%
    Defense 190
    Defence force Bonus 35
    Fire Golem
  • Fire Golem Required Level: xxx
  • Burn Golem Prerequisites: Clay Golem , Blood Golem , Fe Golem
  • Creates a golem that converts the damage information technology receives from burn down into Life.

    Cast Delay: None

    The Fire Golem causes massive burn splash harm similar to the Paladin's Holy Fire Aura, causing monsters in the area to become hit by fire.

    Level 1
    Mana Cost l
    Fire Damage 44 - 90
    Holy Burn 4-6
    Burn Damage Absorbed 36%
  • Revive Required Level: 30
  • Revive Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton , Clay Golem , Raise Skeletal Mage , Blood Golem , Iron Golem
  • Returns a monster to life to fight by your side.

    Bandage Delay: None

    While Skeletons, and Skeletal Mages are bully early on, Revived Monsters are the ultimate Minions (ignoring Golems). Once you've created a corpse, revive a monster and it will be back in action with more Striking Points and fighting on your side. Quickly the monsters will find themselves outnumbered every bit you raise more and more than Monsters during the boxing to use against them. You tin can increase the Monster Hit Points and damage of Revived Monsters by putting points into Skeleton Mastery. You tin increase their resistances with Summon Resist.

    Lvl 1
    Number of Monsters 1

    Diablo 2 Necromancer Skill Tree,


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